graduates from graphic design

graduates from
graphic design

Kenylang Magazine

The magazine features various aspects of Sarawak heritage, such as exclusive local cuisine cherished by Sarawakians, traditional musical instruments, and musicians of traditional music.

Creative Portfolio
– Cassette

This personal portfolio showcases a packaging design that effectively demonstrates my expertise in creating diverse types of music cassette illustrations, serving as a self-branding representation.

Sequence –
Unboxing the Future

I designed the initial concept and event identity for our graduation showcase (Sequence 2023) with a playful and colorful aesthetic. The visuals have now been enhanced to better align with the event’s specific applications.

Event Identity Design- Talent Quest

An event identity design for seniors is being developed in collaboration with Amazing Seniors. It features a concept that encourages seniors to participate and “SHINE” in Talent Quest by emphasizing the value and demand for their unique skills and abilities.

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