graduates from graphic design

graduates from
graphic design

HAPPIFY Collections

HAPPIFY’s mission is to spread love, motivation, and happiness worldwide. Through the power of quotes and aspirations, we aim to make a positive impact on people’s lives. Our endearing mascots serve as beacons of inspiration, guiding individuals towards personal growth and joy. Join us in fostering a more compassionate world, where everyone embraces their true potential. Together, let’s work towards making the world a happier place!


Pick-Me-Up! A compassionate sanctuary, offering solace and renewal for weary hearts. Our masthead uplifts and invigorates, liberating from daily stress. It beckons viewers to embrace the healing power of art showcased in our magazine. With a contemporary font and a smiling “U,” we remind people to find joy in their routines. Let’s create a world where smiles flourish, uplifting those in need. 


As a designer, I strive to distinguish myself from the multitude of other designers, similar to a striking flower that stands out in a field. To achieve this, I employ a layer-by-layer pop-up design technique in the packaging of my seeding kit and business card. This artistic approach visually represents my ambition to stand out creatively.

SQ23 : Seizing Opportunities

Imagine First City University College as a transformative gateway, akin to a symbolic vending machine, seamlessly guiding fresh graduates into the industry. Empowered with valuable knowledge and skills, our graduates step into this metaphorical machine, presenting themselves as compelling options for employers. This is one of the proposed concept for SQ23, where as students, we proudly exhibit the expertise we have cultivated during our education, eagerly awaiting the opportunity to be selected and embraced by prospective employers.

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